Friends of the Fullertons:
Oberon O'Blivio
and the Outcasts of Samarra
![]() Son of Sunshine:
A trio is born In the broiling Mojave summer of '72, a hitchhiker Leon Fullerton knew only as Sunshine made off with his wallet, inspiring the Barrelhouse Bard's ballad "Mystery Town" (Tales of the Enchanted Mesa). But on that gone-but-not-forgotten day in a dust-encrusted Four Corners ghost town, Artemnesia "Sunshine" Jones absconded with more than just Fullerton's wallet. And on Christmas Eve, 2015, Jasper Leon "Jazz" Jones, the issue of that brief union, knocked on the door of Fullerton's sister, Cat, in Fresno, California - the nephew she never knew she had. Inquisitive and resourceful by nature, Jazz had deduced at an early age that Leon Fullerton was his father. Confronting his mother with the information he had gleaned and the conclusion he had accurately jumped to, Sunshine Jones entered into protracted negotiations with the boy, ultimately eliciting his promise (she was understandably reluctant to reconnect with the eccentric, volatile, and imposing recording artist she'd robbed) not to attempt to contact his father until she was safely dead. Which she now was, owing to an uncosmic convergence of haste, sleet, fog, a Thanksgiving-cheer-replete oncoming Chevy pickup truck driver, an ill-timed response to a trivial text message, prescription side-effects, and the caprice of the hairpin switchbacks zigging and zagging the Blue Ridge Parkway. Either that or an arguably overdue swift kick with extreme prejudice from Old Man Karma. Although the whereabouts of Fullerton himself is still not known, the rest of his family has welcomed Fullerton's son to its collective bosom. Learning that Jazz is an accomplished singer, bassist, and band leader in his own right, Fullerton nephews Delmont Fullerton and Raphael Gunn (a.k.a. the Del-Rays) promptly recruited their new-found cousin to replace the vocal tracks and add bass tracks to all the music on this website's virtual albums. Also appearing occasionally on some of these recording is Obie O'Blivio, the group's percussionist and spiritual advisor. The result: over a hundred much-improved recordings worth revisiting if you haven't been here lately. (Neither Del nor Ray has ever boasted vocal ability, and neither owns a bass to record with.) Jazz and Obie have also promised to add their prodigious musical magic to all future audio recordings to appear here. Welcome to the club, Obie! Welcome home, Jazz Jones! |
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